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Model Conversion

Commands for converting model files from various frameworks into the SoftNeuro DNN file format.

About preprocess, postprocess

In SoftNeuro preprocess and postprocess are separate networks attached to the beginning and to the end of the main network, respectively. These networks can be attached as a json file when converting a model. There's a preset json file, but it can be changed for custom settings.

Currently, adding preprocess and postprocess networks is only available for import-onnx and import-tensorflow, and not available for import-ver3.

Preprocess specification

The preprocess network can be used for resizing images, specifying resize mode, specifying color format, normalizing data, and so on. Descriptions of each element in preprocess is below.


Each layer consists of four elements: type, params, weights, and attrs.

Properties Required Description Type Example
type Mandatory String specifying the layer type. source, sink, madd, permute, can be specified. String "madd"
params Optional JSON object specifying layer parameters. Object example
weights Optional JSON object specifying leyer weights. Object example
attrs Optional JSON object specifying layer attributes. Object example
Source Layer

Input layer of the network.

  • params
Properties Required Description Type Example
shape Mandatory Array of integer specifying the shape of the input data. Array of Integer [224, 224, 3]
  • weights: None
  • attrs
Properties Required Description Type Example
format Optional String specifying the color format of the input image. Only "rgb" can be specified. String "rgb"
resize_mode Optional String specifying the resize mode. "bilinear" (default) or "nearest" can be specified. String "bilinear"
keep_ar Optional Boolean specifying whether or not to keep aspect ratio when resizing. Default is false. Boolean true
padding_color Optional Array of numbers specifying the padding color filling the margin space when resizing. Array of Numbers [255, 255, 255]
Sink Layer

Output layer of the network.

  • params: None
  • weights: None
  • attrs: None
Permute Layer

Permutes the data order in the specified axis. Commonly used for channel-swapping.

  • params
Properties Required Description Type Example
axis Mandatory Integer specifying the axis to be permuted. Integer 2
order Mandatory Array of integers containing the original positions ordered by their new indexes. Array of Integer [2, 1, 0]
  • weights: None
  • attrs: None
Madd Layer

Multiply add (scale * x + bias) layer. Commonly used for normalization of input data, subtraction of mean, and so on.

  • params
Properties Required Description Type Example
has_relu Optional Boolean specifying whether or not to execute Relu activation. Default is False. Boolean False
relu_max_value Optional Max output value after Relu activation. Only valid when has_relu is True. Number 6.0
  • weights
Properties Required Description Type Example
scale Mandatory Number or array of numbers by which the input data is multiplied. Must be array if different value is specified for each channel. Must have the same number of elements as bias. Number or Array of Number [0.01712475383, 0.0175070028, 0.01742919389]
bias Mandatory Number or array of numbers, to be added to the input data. Must be array if different value is specified for each channel. Must have the same number of elements as scale. Number or Array of Number [2.11790393013, 2.03571428571, 1.80444444444]
  • attrs: None

preprocess example

        "name": "preprocess",
        "layers": [
                "type": "source",
                "params": {
                    "shape": [
                "attrs": {
                    "format": "rgb",
                    "attrs": {
                        "format": "rgb",
                        "resize_mode": "bilinear",
                        "keep_ar": true,
                        "padding_clor": [
                "type": "permute",
                "params": {
                    "axis": 3,
                    "dims": [
                "type": "madd",
                "weights": {
                    "scale": [
                    "bias": [
                "type": "sink"

Postprocess specification

The postprocess network can be used for labeling outputs, specifying the decoding type for tasks such as Object detection, and so on. Descriptions of each element in postprocess is below.


Each layer consists of four elements, type, params, weights, and attrs.

Properties Required Description Type Example
type Mandatory String specifying the layer type. source, sink, decode_centernet, decode_pelee, decode_ssd, decode_yolov3, decode_yolov4 can be specified. String "decode_ssd"
params Optional JSON object specifying layer parameters. Object example
weights Optional JSON object specifying leyer weights. Object example
attrs Optional JSON object specifying layer attributes. Object example
Source Layer

Input layer of the network.

  • params
Properties Required Description Type Example
shape Mandatory Array of integers specifying the shape of the input data. Array of Integer [224, 224, 3]
  • weights: None
  • attrs: None
Sink Layer

Output layer of the network.

  • params: None
  • weights: None
  • attrs
Properties Required Description Type Example
label_list Optional Array of strings representing output labels. Array of String ["cat", "dog", "bird"]
Decode Layer

Executes decode operation for Object Detection task. decode_centernet, decode_pelee, decode_ssd, decode_yolov3, decode_yolov4 can be specified for type.

  • params
Properties Required Description Type Example
keep_top_k centernet, pelee, ssd, yolov3, yolov4 Integer specifying the number of bounding boxes. Bounding box is selected in descending order of score. Default is 300. Integer 300
do_nms centernet, pelee, ssd, yolov3, yolov4 Boolean specifying whether or not to execute NMS (Non-Maximum Suppression). Default is true. Boolean true
nms_thresh centernet, pelee, ssd, yolov3, yolov4 IoU threshold for NMS. Float 0.5
conf_thresh centernet, pelee, ssd, yolov3, yolov4 Confidence threshold for detecting bounding boxes. Float 0.3
background_label_id pelee, ssd Label number of background. Default is 0. Integer 0
img_width yolov3 Width of input image. Integer 416
img_height yolov3 Height of input image. Integer 416
num_anchors_per_out yolov3 Number of anchor boxes for each grid cell. Integer 3
anchors yolov3 Array of numbers representing the size of anchor boxes. [w1, h1, w2, w3, ...] Float array [10,13, 16,30]
  • weights: None
  • attrs: None

postprocess example

      "name": "postprocess",
      "layers": [
            "name": "input",
            "type": "source",
        "params": {
            "shape":[1, 300, 15]
            "name": "decode",
            "type": "decode_ssd",
            "params": {
          "keep_top_k" : 300,
          "background_label_id" : 0,
          "nms_thresh" : 0.45,
          "conf_thresh" : 0.01
              "name": "output",
              "type": "sink"


Convert an ONNX model to DNN.


softneuro import-onnx [--naive] [--extract]
                       [--preprocess_json PREPROCESS_JSON]
                       [--postprocess_json POSTPROCESS_JSON] [--help]
                       INPUT OUTPUT


Argument Description
INPUT ONNX model file to be converted.
OUTPUT Resulting DNN file path.
If the extract flag is used, this is the folder where the model JSON will be saved.
--preprocess_json PREPROCESS_JSON A json file specified when preprocess is added to DNN model.
--postprocess_json POSTPROCESS_JSON A json file specified when postprocess is added to DNN model.


Flag Description
--naive Save the DNN file without FuseRelu-type optimization.
--extract Save the model information as a JSON file.
--help   Shows the command help.

After the model is converted the mobilenet_v2.dnn file will be created.

$ softneuro import-onnx mobilenet_v2.onnx mobilenet_v2.dnn
import model
converting initializers: done
converting nodes: done
rectify model
optimize model
save model


Convert a TensorFlow model to DNN.


softneuro import-tensorflow [-h] [--keras] [--list-keras] [--naive] [--extract] [--preprocess_json PREPROCESS_JSON] [--postprocess_json POSTPROCESS_JSON] [--output_attrs OUTPUT_ATTRS]
                           [--input_node [INPUT_NODE_NAME]] [--input_shape [INPUT_SHAPE]] [--output_node [OUTPUT_NODE_NAME]] [--fix_shape_inf]
                           INPUT OUTPUT


Argument Description
INPUT Protocol buffer(.pb) or hdf5 format model file.
For hdf5, not only weights but also the model structure is needed.
OUTPUT Resulting DNN file path.
If the extract flag is used, this is the folder where the model JSON will be saved.


Flag Description
--keras It's possible to convert a model from tf.keras.applications pretrained models by inputting the model name.
--list-keras Show the list of avalilable model names for --keras option.
--naive Save the DNN file without FuseRelu-type optimization.
--extract Save the model information as a JSON file.
--preprocess_json PREPROCESS_JSON A json file containing a preprocess network definition to be added to the DNN model.
--postprocess_json POSTPROCESS_JSON A json file containing a postprocess network definition to be added to the DNN model.
--output_attrs OUTPUT_ATTRS A JSON containing the output attributes (output labels), or a preset name.
--input_node [INPUT_NODE] Model input node name.
--input_shape [SHAPE] Model input shape.
--output_node [OUTPUT_NODE] Model output node name.
--fix_shape_inf turn off shape inference
-h, --help   Shows the command help.

After the model is converted the vgg16.dnn file will be created.

softneuro import-tensorflow vgg16.pb vgg16.dnn


Convert a SoftNeuro V3 DNN model file to a SoftNeuro V5 DNN model file.

softneuro import-ver3 [--naive] [--extract] [--help] INPUT OUTPUT


Argument Description
INPUT V3 DNN file.
OUTPUT Resulting DNN file path.
If the extract flag is used, this is the folder where the model JSON will be saved.


Flag Description
--naive Save the DNN file without FuseRelu-type optimization.
--extract Save the model information as a JSON file.
--help   Shows the command help.

Example After the model is converted the vgg16_v5 file will be created.

softneuro import-ver3 vgg16_v3.dnn vgg16_v5.dnn
import model
rectify model
optimize model
save model