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This tutorial demonstrates how you can: 1. convert a pretrained Keras model to SoftNeuro's DNN format 2. tune the converted model for speed optimization. 3. use the converted model for iimage classification 4. encrypt a DNN file

It is assumed that SoftNeuro Python package and the CLI tool for the given platform have been properly installed.

Keras model conversion

Convert the Keras model to DNN format Using the import-tensorflow command of the CLI tool.

In this tutorial, we convert the VGG16 model of keras.applications.

(softneuro)$ softneuro import-tensorflow --keras vgg16 vgg16.dnn

Tuning and Profiling for the target platform

During this process, the model file will be tuned to achieve optimal performance for the target platform. Since the tool with calculating and comparing processing times for calculations under various settings, it is recommended that you close all non-essential applications during this task. When tuning is completed, the tuned model file vgg16_tuned.dnn will be saved to the current directory.

(softneuro)$ softneuro tune vgg16.dnn vgg16_tuned.dnn
Profiling...100.0% [00:50]
#  NAME               SCHEMA  ATIME  TIME  DESC       PARAMS
0  input (source)     * cpu
1  premute (permute)  * cpu           136  cpu/naive
2  madd (madd)        * cpu            18  cpu/avx    {"ops_in_task":16384}
3  output (sink)      * cpu
4  ? ()

 #  NAME                           SCHEMA  ATIME    TIME  DESC           PARAMS
 0  input_1 (source)               * cpu
 1  block1_conv1 (conv2)           * cpu             777  cpu/owc64_avx  {"cache":8192,"task_ops":65536}
 2  block1_conv2 (conv2)           * cpu           5,680  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":8}
 3  block1_pool (max_pool2)        * cpu             454  cpu/avx
 4  block2_conv1 (conv2)           * cpu           1,783  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":8}
 5  block2_conv2 (conv2)           * cpu           2,930  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":8}
 6  block2_pool (max_pool2)        * cpu              70  cpu/avx
 7  block3_conv1 (conv2)           * cpu           1,294  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":8}
 8  block3_conv2 (conv2)           * cpu           2,280  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":8}
 9  block3_conv3 (conv2)           * cpu           2,280  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":8}
10  block3_pool (max_pool2)        * cpu              45  cpu/avx
11  block4_conv1 (conv2)           * cpu           1,362  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":4}
12  block4_conv2 (conv2)           * cpu           2,616  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":4}
13  block4_conv3 (conv2)           * cpu           2,616  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":4}
14  block4_pool (max_pool2)        * cpu              31  cpu/avx
15  block5_conv1 (conv2)           * cpu           1,127  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":2}
16  block5_conv2 (conv2)           * cpu           1,127  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":2}
17  block5_conv3 (conv2)           * cpu           1,127  cpu/wg2        {"tile_size":2}
18  block5_pool (max_pool2)        * cpu              22  cpu/avx
19  flatten (reshape)              * cpu               0  cpu
20  fc1 (dense)                    * cpu          11,669  cpu/m1x1l_avx
21  fc2 (dense)                    * cpu           1,716  cpu/m1x1l_avx
22  predictions (dense)            * cpu             210  cpu/avx        {"task_ops":32}
23  predictions_softmax (softmax)  * cpu              12  cpu/naive
24  sink_0 (sink)                  * cpu
25  ? ()

TOTAL    41,383

You can use attrcommand to check the status of tuning (see the TUNE column).

(softneuro)$ softneuro attr -a vgg16_tuned.dnn
NAME             NET           INPUT        OUTPUT            #OPS  CIPHER  COMPRESS  TUNE       #THR  AFFMASKS
vgg16_tuned.dnn  preprocessor  1x224x224x3  1x1000  30,953,174,639                    cpu
                 main                                                                 cpu/naive

If you want to save the profiling information, you manually initialize and execute the tuning process as follows.

(softneuro)$ softneuro init mobilenet.dnn
(softneuro)$ softneuro profile
(softneuro)$ softneuro tune mobilenet.dnn mobilenet_tuned.dnn --prof

Verifying the results of tuning

We perform inference on the sample image shovel.jpg to compare the performance of models before and after tuning.

Inference with the model before tuning

(softneuro)$ softneuro run vgg16.dnn shovel.jpg --top 5

Top 5 Labels
1  0.9948  shovel
2  0.0017  hatchet
3  0.0012  swab
4  0.0011  broom
5  0.0007  hammer

FUNCTION       AVE(us)  MIN(us)  MAX(us)  #RUN
Dnn_load()     326,679  326,679  326,679     1
Dnn_compile()  333,007  333,007  333,007     1
Dnn_forward()  199,992  199,992  199,992     1

Used memory: 1,140,817,920 Bytes

Inference with the model after tuning

(softneuro)$ softneuro run vgg16_tuned.dnn shovel.jpg --top 5

Top 5 Labels
1  0.9948  shovel
2  0.0016  hatchet
3  0.0012  swab
4  0.0011  broom
5  0.0007  hammer

FUNCTION       AVE(us)  MIN(us)  MAX(us)  #RUN
Dnn_load()     325,598  325,598  325,598     1
Dnn_compile()  446,959  446,959  446,959     1
Dnn_forward()   68,648   68,648   68,648     1

Used memory: 890,712,064 Bytes

You can compare the performance using the Statistics sections of the command line outputs. Note the reduction in inference time (Dnn_forward) and memory consumption (Used memory).

For more stable statistics, you can use the -loop command option.
Please refer to run command options for more details.

DNN file encryption

You can use the cipher command for encrypting a DNN file to secure its parameters. After completion the file vgg16_tuned_enc.dnn will be saved in the current directory.

The password specified during encryption is required for inference. Further, the view command cannot be used to see model information of an encrypted DNN file.

(softneuro)$ softneuro cipher --new-pass 123456 vgg16_tuned.dnn vgg16_tuned_enc.dnn
(softneuro)$ softneuro attr -a vgg16_tuned_enc.dnn
vgg16_tuned_enc.dnn                         ?  password (invalid)

(softneuro)$ softneuro view vgg16_tuned_enc.dnn
mor_dnn.c:908:Error: Invalid password for dnn.
(softneuro)$ softneuro run vgg16_tuned_enc.dnn -p 123456
FUNCTION       AVE(us)  MIN(us)  MAX(us)  #RUN
Dnn_load()     419,614  419,614  419,614     1
Dnn_compile()  860,013  860,013  860,013     1
Dnn_forward()  203,562  203,562  203,562     1

Used memory: 1,138,716,672 Bytes