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Model Editing

Commands for editing DNN file contents.


Extract weights and model architecture information from a DNN file into JSON and numpy files.


usage: softneuro extract [--help] DNN OUTDIR


Argument Description
DNN DNN file to be extracted.
OUTDIR Output directory where the data will be extracted to.


Flag Description
-h, --help Shows the command help.

Running this command will create, in the vgg16_extract folder, model.json, weights.json and a directory containing numpy format files with weights data in a weights directory.
※There's no terminal output

$ softneuro extract vgg16.dnn vgg16_extract
$ ls vgg16_extract
model.json  weights  weights.json


Pack the files in the same format as what the extract command outputs into a DNN model file.


usage: softneuro archive [--help] SRCDIR DNN


Argument Description
SRCDIR Directory with contents in the same format as the extract command output.
DNN DNN file to be outputed.


Flag Description
-h, --help Shows the command help.

This command will generate a vgg16_archive.dnn file.
※There's no terminal output

$ softneuro archive vgg16_extract vgg16_archive.dnn
$ ls
vgg16_extract vgg16_archive.dnn


Refine a DNN file for faster inference times. Generally, the processing used for optimizations is the same as that for converting a model to DNN format. When optimization has not been applied during model conversion, it can be performed later using refine.


usage: softneuro refine [--batch-norm-to-madd] [--fuse-dropout] [--fuse-transpose] [--fuse-madd]
                          [--fuse-relu] [--fuse-padding] [--swap-act-pool]
                          [--strip-constant] [--strip-immutable] [--strip-layer] [--strip-net]
                          [--norm-weight] [--dedup-weight] [--strip-weight][--help]
                          INPUT OUTPUT


Argument Description
INPUT DNN file to be refined.
OUTPUT Refined DNN file output.

If a flag is set only that specific optimization will be done. For instance, if --batch-norm-to-madd is set, other optimizations like relu fuse won't be done.

Flags Description
--batch-norm-to-madd Transforms batch normalization into madd layers.
--fuse-dropout Fuses dropout into the previous layer.
--fuse-transpose Fuses transpose into the previous layer.。
--fuse-madd Fuses multiply-add into the previous layer.
--fuse-relu Fuses relu into the previous layer.
--fuse-padding Fuses zero padding into the previous layer.
--swap-act-pool Transforms activation-pooling into pooling activation.
--strip-constant Removes layers which are constant。
--strip-immutable Removes layers which are immutable。
--strip-layer Removes unnecessary layers.
--strip-net Removes sub-nets without layers.
--strip-weight Removes weights not referenced by any layer.
--dedup-weight      Deduplicates weights.
--norm-weight Normalizes subnormal, nan, inf weight values.
-h, --help Shows the command help.

Refine a dnn file by deduplicating weights.

$ softneuro refine --dedup-weight Pose_small.dnn Pose_small_refined.dnn

Deduplicate Weights
'weight_7_0' is deduplicated to 'weight_4_0' (SNR: inf).
'weight_10_0' is deduplicated to 'weight_3_0' (SNR: inf).
'weight_13_0' is deduplicated to 'weight_2_0' (SNR: inf).
'weight_14_0' is deduplicated to 'weight_2_0' (SNR: inf).
'weight_15_0' is deduplicated to 'weight_2_0' (SNR: inf).

5 weights are deduplicated.


Reduces the DNN file weights data size.


usage: softneuro compress [--dtype [[LTYPE][.WNAME]=]DTYPE[@LAYER_INDICES]]...
                          [--pass PASSWORD] [--help]
                          INPUT OUTPUT


Argument Description
INPUT DNN file to be compressed.
OUTPUT Compressed DNN file output.


Flag Description
--dtype [[LTYPE][.WNAME]=]DTYPE[@LAYER_INDICES] Select what data type will be used to save the weights. The available DTYPE options are float16 or qint8. If this flag isn't set, all main network layer weights will be saved as qint8. If LTYPE is set, only layers of that type will have their weights converted. If WNAME is set, only the weight with that name will be converted. If LAYER_INDICES is set, only the layers at the given indices will have their weights converted. For more information on layer indices, use the softneuro help layer_indices command.
--pass PASSWORD Set an encryption password.
-h, --help Shows the command help.

This command creates a vgg16_qint8.dnn file with qint8 weights.
※There's no terminal output

$ softneuro compress vgg16.dnn vgg16_qint8.dnn
$ ls -lh
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 528M  1月 1 10:00 vgg16.dnn
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 133M  1月 1 10:00 vgg16_qint8.dnn


Encrypts a DNN file.


usage: softneuro cipher [--pass PASSWORD] [--new-pass PASSWORD] [--secret] [--help] INPUT OUTPUT


Argument Description
INPUT DNN file to be encrypted.
OUTPUT Output encrypted DNN file.


Flag Description
-p PASSWORD, --pass PASSWORD Password for input dnn.
--new-pass PASSWORD New password for OUTPUT. If not given, the password does not change from INPUT. If empty ('') is given,
decrypt INPUT and write it to OUTPUT without password encryption.
--secret Encrypts to a secret dnn.
-h, --help Shows the command help.

This command creates a vgg16_enc.dnn encrypted DNN file.
※There's no terminal output

$ softneuro cipher --new-pass 4u9pnza vgg16.dnn vgg16_enc.dnn
$ ls
vgg16.dnn vgg16_enc.dnn
$ softneuro run vgg16_enc.dnn
mor_dnn.c:921:Error: Invalid password for dnn.
softneuro:Error: Load error.
$ softneuro run vgg16_enc.dnn -p 4u9pnza

FUNCTION         AVE(us)    MIN(us)    MAX(us)  #RUN
Dnn_load()        36,055     36,055     36,055     1
Dnn_compile()    727,957    727,957    727,957     1
Dnn_forward()  1,080,363  1,080,363  1,080,363     1

Used memory: 1,140,400,128 Bytes


Calibrate a DNN file for static quantization. Calibrate operation fixes the quantization range by calculating max/min outputs of each layer, using prepared inputs.


usage: softneuro calibrate [--keep_img_ar PADDINGCOLOR]
                           [--img_resize_mode RESIZEMODE][--pass PASSWORD]
                           [--reset] [-trunc RATIO] [--help]
                           IDNN ODNN [INPUT]...


Argument Description
IDNN DNN file to be calibrated.
ODNN Calibrated DNN file output.
INPUT Required input files for calibration. Image files, numpy files, or a directory containing those files, can be specified.


Flag Description
--keep_img_ar PADDINGCOLOR Keeps aspect ratio when resizing input image. The aspect ratio is not kept by default. Margin space is filled with the color specified by PADDINGCOLOR. PADDINGCOLOR can be specified by RGB value, for example, '0, 0, 0'.
--img_resize_mode RESIZEMODE Specifies the resizing mode. 'bilinear' or 'nearest' can be specified. Default is 'bilinear'.
-p, --pass PASSWORD Encryption password.
--reset Resets the calibration information (max/min).
--trunc RATIO Removes the top and bottom data as outliers, specified by 'RATIO' ratio. When RATIO is 0.02, top/bottom 2% data are removed, the min/max values are calculated by the remaining 96% data. Default RATIO is 0.
-h, --help Shows the command help.

Example This command creates a vgg16_calib.dnn calibrated DNN file.
※There's no terminal output

$ softneuro calibrate vgg16.dnn vgg16_calib.dnn input0.jpg input1.jpg input2.jpg
$ softneuro tune vgg16_calib.dnn vgg16_calib_tuned.dnn


Decompose a net of dnn file into two subnets.


usage: softneuro decompose [--pass PASSWORD] [--split SPLIT] [--compress COMPRESS] [--help] INPUT OUTPUT


Argument Description
INPUT Input dnn file.
OUTPUT Output dnn file


Flag Description
-p PASSWORD, --pass PASSWORD Password for input file.
-s SPLIT, --split SPLIT Set layer to be split from
-c COMPRESS, --compress COMPRESS Set net to compress。
-h, --help Show the command help。

Split main net of ssd.dnn from conv_pw_1 layer.

$ softneuro decompose -s conv_pw_1 ssd.dnn ssd_dcp.dnn
[0] from input_1 to conv_pw_1
[1] from conv_dw_2 to sink_0

In the case of decomposing the main network of vgg16.dnn, and then tuning it for an external engine (Qualcomm HTA), the commands are as follows:

$ softneuro decompose -c main vgg16.dnn vgg16_decomposed.dnn
$ softneuro tune vgg16_decomposed.dnn  vgg16_decomposed_tuned.dnn --routine cpu/faster/hta